glow foam

glow foam

    • $400.00
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Are you looking to throw an unforgettable glow foam party that will have your guests talking for weeks? Look no further! With our foam experts, you'll be able to create a high-energy and visually stunning event that will leave everyone wanting more. Here's how to throw the best glow foam party around:

1. Choose the perfect venue: Opt for an outdoor space that can accommodate your guests comfortably, such as a backyard, open field, or park. We bring the blacklights to enhance the glow effect.

2. Set the mood with lighting: We use commercial grade black-lights and UV lights, to create a vibrant and glowing atmosphere. These lights will make the foam stand out and give your party a surreal feel. Consider adding colorful spotlights or laser lights for an extra touch (supplied by customer)

3. Our foam machine: Our foam cannon is a high-quality foam machine that can generate a large amount of foam. Our machine shoots foam that is safe and non-toxic for your guests, pets, lawns/gardens.

4. Create a foam “dance floor”: Clear a designated area for foam:  This will prevent any accidents or injuries during the party. We bring the speakers to keep the party going!

5. Provide glow accessories: Hand out glow sticks, bracelets, necklaces, and other glow-in-the-dark accessories to your guests. This will not only add to the visual appeal but also make it easier for everyone to spot each other in the foam-filled crowd.

6. Curate a playlist: Choose upbeat and energetic music that will keep your guests dancing all night long. We will play an appropriate playlist or play yours!

7. Capture the memories: Add one of our photo booths in an area with props and a blacklight backdrop. Encourage your guests to take fun and creative photos, and provide instant prints or a dedicated hashtag for social media sharing.

9. Safety first: Ensure the safety of your guests by providing well-lit pathways, clearly marked exits, and designated areas for the foam

10. Promote your event: Spread the word about your glow foam party through social media, email invitations, and word-of-mouth. Create eye-catching graphics and videos to generate excitement and encourage attendance

11. safety and guest satisfaction are our top priority. when organizing a glow foam party. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to throwing the best foam party around. So get ready to glow, dance, and have an unforgettable night!

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